Ctrl + Alt + Del #NCThunder
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Ctrl + Alt + Del Control yourself Alter your thoughts Delete negativity
Be a part of making positive changes in the world #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
Be aware of the consequences of your choices #NCThunder
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequence of your choice.
#NCThunder make people remember you for making them feel better than they did! #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou
Always use the 10-90 Rule #NCThunder it is the #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. Charles Swindoll
Today's MS Volleyball game will be played at Sabetha High School (note: location change).
over 5 years ago, Kim Sudbeck
#NCThunder be that someone that makes others look forward to tomorrow! #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Be someone who makes someone else look forward to tomorrow
Careers on Wheels Day @NemahaCenEMS
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Careers on Wheels at NCEMS
Careers on Wheels Day at NCEMS
Careers on Wheels Day at NCEMS
Careers on Wheels Day at NCEMS
#NCThunder takes some time for yourself. #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. Anne Lamott
#NCThunder be the reason someone smiles on this #Monday
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Be the reason someone smiles today.
Here is this week's edition of #ThunderTalk video. The topic this week is sportsmanship. https://youtu.be/vaZCfCF0Dv0
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Sportsmanship win or lose
#NCThunder don't be a weak individual.
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
If you have to hurt other people in order to feel powerful, you are an extremely weak individual. Bobby Mattingly
What's your dream, goal, plan, action, and reality #NCThunder ?
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
A Dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality.
Go get results #NCThunder
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.
#NCThunder be the energy in the room!
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Don’t adapt to the energy in the room. Influence the energy in the room.
ATTENTION: Between 10 am and noon today #NCThuder will be having a crisis drill. Law Enforcement, EMS, Fire Department, as well as Nemaha Valley Community Hospital will be involved. IT IS ONLY A DRILL. This is for our student/staff safety & collaborating with outside agencies.
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
How you use adversity can change your life for the better. #NCThunder #NCWay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgeh4xhSA2Q&feature=youtu.be
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Remember the 10-90 Rule #NCThunder
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Remember most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your attitude, and all that extra stress is gone.
ALERT: Monday 9/16/19 #NCThunder along with other local agencies will be conducting crisis drill testing from 10am to noon.
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Warning Training in Progress- Crisis Training 9/16/19
At the end of 1st NCMS down 0-6 to Perry Lecompton
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman