Kennedy defending number 14 on the Hiawatha team

On November 20, 2023, the NC girls took on Hiawatha. First up is the 8th grade A team. The A team started off strong with many points. The girls played good defense in the first quarter but by the first half the girls were down. The girls tried their best but they ended with a sad loss. The 8th grade A team was 39-19. Next up was the 8th grade B team. The B team started off strong playing good defense and good offense. The girls were up in point the whole game. The 8th grade B team won the game. The score was 29-7.  “I’m really proud of my team! We all worked really hard and came out with the win,” said Ava Nolte.

The 7th-grade girl played at the same time in a different gym. The 7th grade A team was up first. They were playing well on defense and running good plays on offense. They ended in a sad loss. The A team score was 7-42. Next up was the B team. They only played two quarters but they had a lot of fun. They also ended in a loss. The B team score was 4-28. “We all tried our best and even though we didn’t win, we all had fun playing together," said Olivia Hermesch.