basketball girls playing Hungry Hippos

To start the pep rally, Dr Beck welcomed everyone and invited the cheerleaders to lead us in a cheer! The cheerleaders led the cheers with pride and encouraged us to cheer with them!


Dr. Beck invited Coach Griffith and Coach Macke up to talk about the girls' basketball season so far. They said that the 7th grade team is 2-4 and the 8th grade team is 6-0. They invited us to come and cheer them on at their upcoming games. Both teams have done well so far, they then let the 7th and 8th-grade teams come up and introduce themselves. 

Then Coach Mayberry came up and invited the wrestlers to come up and introduce themselves. They talked about their upcoming meets. They invited everyone to come and cheer them on!


The cheerleaders gave us instructions for the hungry-hungry hippos game! They split up the girl's basketball team into 4 groups 2 people per group. One person laid down on the scooter and the other grabbed onto their feet. The person lying down had a tub to collect as many balls as they could that were in the middle of the 4 groups. The most collected in a minute wins! Then they did the same with the wrestlers! The winning groups of each headed face to face in a match. The boys' wrestling team won!

Spirit Stick

Dr Beck led the spirit stick judges (Mrs. Griffith, Mr. Mayberry, and Coach Macke) to come up and hear the thunder students yell V.I.C.T.O.R.Y as loud as they could. They yell it one grade at a time starting with the 8th grade working its way down. Then after all the grades yelled, the cheerleaders started a drumroll while the judges conversed. Then they announced the winner! The 3rd graders won!


Then Mrs. Koch dismissed each grade level out one by one. The cheerleaders were outside the door with a spirit tunnel while everyone left. 

This is what some of the NCEMS students had to say about the pep rally.

Lawson Monier: “We have all the spirit!”

Piper Hiltgen: “There was a lot of excitement and thunder spirit.”

In conclusion, the NCEMS pep rally was full of pep and excitement. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed it.