NCEMS Third Graders enjoyed a beautiful day at Seneca City Park on August 30th, 2023. The Third Graders invited friends and loved ones to have a picnic in the shelter houses at the park.
The Third Graders scattered all throughout the playground waiting for their pals. Some kids brought footballs and decided to play with them. As the parents started to filter in, some sat on blankets, others on picnic tables. At 12:00 everyone grabbed the lunches their pals brought and started eating.
Everyone had smiles on their faces. It was a fun time for the kids and adults. “I’m excited to be here, and it’s fun to eat outside,” said Third Grader Jentry Snyder. “I liked eating with my mom,” said Third Grader Ivory Ronnebaum.
Overall, it was a great experience for the kids and adults and fun was had by all.