8th Grade Class Graduation Photo

The class of 2027 of Nemaha Central Middle School had eighth grade promotion on Thursday, May 11.  The students arrived at the school, took some pictures, and prepared for their last day as NCMS eighth graders.

The graduation began with the students walking in to the traditional "Pomp and Circumstance" music. Once all the graduates entered, Mrs. Sarah Renyer, one of the school counselors, gave a welcome to everyone. Next, Dr. Amy Beck, the school principal,  presented all the eighth grade speakers. Once she was finished, the class accomplishments were presented by Harry Langill, Conner Lueger, and Marin Heinen. Next, the class video was shown, which was created by some of the eighth grade students and Mrs. Betty Peterson, and presented by Mason Schultejans. After the class video was completed, the introduction of the commencement speaker was presented by Alex Burkitt. Next, Lilly Schultejans, an NCHS graduate addressed the eighth grade class. After the guest speaker, Emma Hermesch gave the parents and guardians a tribute. 

Mrs. Sheridan Haverkamp presented the President’s Award for Educational Achievement.  This award is given to students who achieved a 3.0-3.5 grade point average for their last four out of five semesters from the sixth grade through the first semester of eighth grade.  Those receiving the award were Colton Blume, Colten Corby, Carson Edelman, Harper Foster, Gable Lozano-Feldkamp, Hailey Meyer, Mykal Novotny, Logan Richards, Jeremy Rohlmeier, McKenzie Rottinghaus, Gus Rusche, Kalem Schmelzle, Aiden Streeter, and Will Young.

Next, the President’s Award for Educational Excellence was presented by Mrs. Haverkamp.  This award is given to students who have earned at least a 3.50 grade point average in four out of five semesters from the sixth grade through the first semester of eighth grade. their middle school years.  Those receiving the award were Miles Beyer, Ben Bletscher, Alex Burkitt, Maria Antonella Cano, Kyler Ganstrom, Marin Heinen, Ali Jo Henry, Emma Hermesch, Isaac Heinen, Makenzie Howard, Ella Huerter, Caleb Hynek, Austin Jones, Maggie Jones, Brady Koch, Harry Langill, Conner Lueger, Teagan Lueger, Tyler Nolte, Rachel Nordhus, Kendra Schmitz, Mason Schultejans, Alexis Spring, Kaiden Sura, and Hailey Wood.

After those awards were completed Mrs. Angela Bass presented the American Citizenship Awards to Alex Burkitt, Marin Heinen, Emma Hermesch, Conner Lueger, Tyler Nolte, and Ben Bletscher. Next, she handed out the KSHSAA Citizenship Award to Alex Burkitt and Conner Lueger.  

The superintendent, Mr. Tavis Desormiers, presented the class for graduation. Amy Sudbeck and Cara Baker, board members helped with the presentation of diplomas.  The class includes: Kamden Joel Alexander, Parker James Bergman, Miles Beyer, Benjamin Andrew Bletscher, Colton Gale Blume, Noah Leander Broxterman, Alex Georgia Burkitt, Maria Antonella Cano, Colten Thomas Corby, Carson Dean Edelman, Harper Elaine Foster, Kyler James Ganstrom, Isaac Clem Heinan, Marin Jane Heinan, Ali Jo Henry, Emma Kathryn Hermesch, Madison Mae Hoskins, Makenzie Jo Howard, Ella Fern Huerter, Payton Marie Huerter, Caleb Michel Hynek, Austin Rochelle Jones, Maggie May Jones, Brady Joseph Koch, Graham Ryan Korber, Harry Ivan Clawson Langill, Gable Andrew Lozano-Feldkamp, Conner Matthew Lueger, Teagan Ann Lueger, Hailey Janice Meyer, Tyler John Nolte, Rachel Marie Nordhus, Mykal Shea Novotny, Logan Richards, Jeremy Jake Rohlmeier, Deryk Matthew Rosenberger, Hayden Christopher Rottinghaus, McKenzie Lynn Rottinghaus, Gus William Rusche, Kalem James Schmelzle, Kendra Marie Schmitz, Mason Gregory Schultejans, Alexis Lynne Spring, Aiden Raymond Streeter, Kaiden Michael Sura, Addison Lorene Tangeman, Alexis Dawn Tangeman, Haley Grace Wood, and Will Anthony Young.

The ceremony ended with Dr. Amy Beck giving some closing remarks.  Congratulations to the class of 2027 for achieving this milestone. Thanks to the teachers and staff for their amazing years of elementary and middle school.

Click the link below for more photos.

